Borderlands of the Iberian World
Second International Authors’Colloquium


We want to thank all the Borderlands authors for the wonderful colloquium we had over the last three days at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, including the public forum on Migration and Cultural Re-Creation Across Borders. We think that the entire event was very productive and intellectually stimulating and the forum dedicated to current issues proved to be emotionally moving. We were very glad to see all of you again, and to have the opportunity to see those who could not attend the first authors' colloquium in Mexico City last year. We acknowledge especially your generosity in sharing your preliminary work with the rest of the team and in taking time to read each other's chapters and to make helpful suggestions. We appreciate your willingness to engage in the type of collective research process we imagined. We are very grateful to all the staff and student assistants at UNC-CH who helped with logistics and organization, and to Altha Cravey of UNC-CH for her contribution to the forum on migration.

Danna Levin Rojo, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Azcapotzalco
Cynthia Radding, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Colloquium photographs

Encuentros Profesionales

Programas de Investigación y Difusión
